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Westminster Special School

Federation of Westminster Special Schools & Bi-Borough Inclusion Service

Autism Level Up

Full CalendarThe Training Calendar

This event will take place between 10:00am and 12:00pm on 23/10/2024

Presented by BBIS ASD Advisory Team





Sensory processing and regulation are essential components in our understanding of energy/ emotional regulation. Regulation is a commonly requested areas for Occupational Therapy advice and support across the Bi-borough. Many students need help with regulating their energy level and how different sensory input can make them feel, but only a small number qualify for OT services.

Through this training, we aim to explore one of the neuro-affirming approaches to regulation, Autism Level UP! (ALUP!)
This online training is aimed at exploring one of the neuro-affirming approaches to regulation, Autism Level UP!
Autism Level UP! is an approach to energy regulation and can be an invaluable tool when considering transactional supports for SEN pupils.

The aim of this training is for participants to further their knowledge and understanding of the Autism Level UP! approach and therefore participants should have a clear basic knowledge of the 8 senses and sensory processing before attending this course.

Our SEN OT team offer a variety of free online and in-person training courses for school staff and parents around regulation and sensory processing. 

During the session, we will:
·       Introduce the ALUP! approach
·       Shifting toward energy regulation
·       Link to the SCERTS model
·       Tools and Transactional Supports
·       Implementation in schools

The Occupational Therapist will be available to answer specific questions related to the training content and implementation of the approach in school environments with expert Occupational Therapy knowledge in sensory processing and emotional regulation.






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