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Westminster Special School

Federation of Westminster Special Schools & Bi-Borough Inclusion Service

Practical Strategies for Handwriting

Full CalendarThe Training Calendar

This event will take place between 10:00am and 11:30am on 13/03/2025

Presented by SEN Occupational Therapists - Shakira Taylor & Kerry Coyne


Handwriting is one of the fastest growing areas of referral to occupational therapy. Many students need help with handwriting, but only a small number qualify for OT services, and we understand that teaching handwriting can be a daunting exercise. However, with the right tools and guidance, it can be as smooth and flowing as cursive itself!
This online training course is aimed to help Teachers and school staff understand how to start, develop and accelerate children’s handwriting skills.


During the session, we will start by focusing on the prewriting and writing development from infancy to school aged children including identifying handwriting readiness and pencil grasp progression. We will provide guidance on correct posture and support on the best order to teach letters and letter groups. We will provide strategies which can support handwriting difficulties and cover important skills such as fine motor skills, pencil grip, letter positioning, letter formation, letter placement and sizing. We will also explore the use of touch typing and discuss the benefits of this.


By the end of the training, you will have gained knowledge into the different developmental stages of handwriting. You will be more mindful of important factors such as pencil grip and sitting position, alongside the development of fine and gross motor skills, which form the foundations of beautiful, legible, and speedy handwriting.
Our Paediatric Occupational Therapists, Catarina and Ellie, will also be available to answer your specific questions about handwriting skills and address any current issues you find challenging.

Booking Information

This course is for staff and parents/carers.

Staff please visit Services 2 Schools:
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