Update Regarding QEII and College Park School

The Federation of Westminster Special Schools are open
Please read carefully the information below which details the offer for College Park and for QEII schools.
Please read carefully the offer for your child's school.
Parents will receive an email from their child's school containing the information below.
If you have any queries please contact the school office
College Park School
As of Monday 11th January school will be open 5 days per week and we are planning to commence a blended learning offer of a mix of face to face and remote learning up until the February half term.
This blended offer will be made available to all parents who wish their child to attend school.
In order to maintain the offer over time we will be creating separate ‘bubbles’. Pupils will be assigned one of two options which are available.
Children of key workers and our most vulnerable pupils identified through our risk assessment process, will attend Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and access the remote learning on Thursdays and Fridays. We will support parents who are Key Workers with specific shift patterns/requirements to work.
All other pupils who said they intended to take a place, will attend school for Thursday and Friday and access their remote learning on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
We will be in contact with families about the days your child will be attending.
All those who expressed that they were keeping their children home, we will contact you to review this decision on 18th January.