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Westminster Special School

College Park School Federation of Westminster Special Schools
& Bi-borough Inclusion Service



College Park School, located at our main site in Bayswater, is a specialised educational institution with 12 classrooms catering to children and young people aged 7 to 19. The school provides support for students with autism and complex learning needs within the severe range, offering a nurturing and inclusive environment designed to meet their unique needs.

College Park offers excellent educational facilities which include a Sensory Room, OT space and soft play used to support pupil’s sensory diets. We have a wonderful primary playground linked to the Early years and Key Stage 1 classrooms.

We offer a café and library area used for lunch for primary classes and for parent’s coffee mornings and other meetings, and a School Hall with hardwood floor. The pupils not only use the Gym for PE, but it is also used for lunch and events. We have a Food Technology room where pupils practice their cooking and housekeeping skills and a life skill flat where pupils can practice home living skills.

Please email or call us for more information: 221 3454.

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