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Westminster Special School

Westminster Special Schools Bi-Borough Inclusion Service

Charity Fund


Charity No. 1173810  

Welcome to Our Charity

The purpose of the Charity is to raise funds to enhance and support the learning of pupils attending the Federation of Westminster Special Schools, College Park [for pupils with autism and complex learning needs within the moderate range] and Queen Elizabeth ll Jubilee School [for pupils with severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties] The two schools have pupils attending from Westminster, Kensington and Chelsea and other neighbouring boroughs. These are vulnerable pupils requiring specialist education and care. The money we raise will:

  • Help towards increasing or improving the range of activities on offer
  • Help provide facilities or equipment such as IT,  play equipment and replacing mini buses
  • Help pupils take part in the extended opportunities by giving them the support they need
  • Support parents to engage with the work of the schools and support their child’s education

The Charity although linked to the Federation of Westminster Special Schools is a separate organisation with its own Board of Trustees and is accountable to the Charity Commission.  The Trustees oversee the work of the Charity and need to give agreement for all fundraising activities undertaken in the name of the Charity

The Charity has five Trustees – click here for more information

The Trustees will work with the Executive Headteacher to identify particular priority needs within the two schools to focus our fundraising activities. Early projects planned include improving the play spaces at QEII and a new Federation Minibus.

For more information about the Federation and Schools please look at the Federation website. 

Click  here for College Park School Prospectus

and here for QEII Jubilee School.

Federation of Westminster Special Schools Charity Fund

C/O College Park School, Garway Road,

London, W2 4PH.                                                                                                                                           

Please email us if you would like any further information or would like to talk to a charity trustee: Email: 

Donations can be made in two ways

By bank transfer to sort code 40 52 40   Account number 00032025. Please put in a reference to identify your donation

By cheque made payable to FWSS Charity Fund and sent to the above address

Charity Fund Newsletter

Charity Fund Annual Report

TRUSTEE Vacancies - We Need You!

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