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Westminster Special School

College Park School Federation of Westminster Special Schools
& Bi-borough Inclusion Service

Creative Arts Across the Federation

Creative Arts at College Park 

The Creative arts at College Park is taught across the whole school and is delivered by specialist teachers delivering art, drama and music.

Curriculum pathways

We have two curriculum models that support the delivery of the creative arts curriculum. The semi-formal and the formal curriculum. 

Semi-formal curriculum supports those learners who are still in the early stages of learning. This learning is supported through a play/exploration model where consistent rehearsal is needed to support the acquisition of skills and knowledge. This curriculum model is supported by each of the three creative arts using their context to support learning. Subject specific learning is delivered and supported where it is meaningful and appropriate to the learner. The formal curriculum model is subject specific. This curriculum model builds on the acquisition of skills and knowledge in all of the three curriculum areas. Learning is tailored to the needs of the young person across both curriculum pathways.


Where appropriate and meaningful students access accreditation in GCSE, Entry level and the Arts Award accreditation

West London Inclusive Arts Festival and partnership working

College Park is the lead school of the West London Inclusive Arts Festival. The festival is funded by The John Lyon’s Charity.  The festival is an inclusive festival working across six special schools and five cultural partners. College Park engages with a range of cultural partners across the school to enrich and support learning within the wider local and national context.  Through its partnership working the school promotes inclusion and inclusive practice to increase understanding and opportunities for its learners and those with autism and disabilities.

John Lyon's Charity Logo Vector - (.SVG + .PNG) - Tukuz.Com

Cultural Capital

The school has a clear understanding of cultural capital and its duty to provide a broad and balanced curriculum. The school delivers training to all staff to ensure that they have a clear understanding of cultural capital and that they can effectively articulate this.

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