E-Safety & Remote Learning
At College Park School all aspects of Safeguarding are important to us.
The use of the Internet, digital devices and platforms for teaching and learning have become the norm in education. So with this in mind, issues surrounding using these platforms and devices safely and positively is of the utmost importance to us as a school community.
This section is dedicated to E-Safety and how we are putting into place steps to using the Internet, digital devices, software and apps in a way that promotes safe learning for all.
As with all aspects of Safeguarding, working collaboratively with families is the best way to achieve this and the list of resources we have gathered here will give you ideas and tips on how to promote E-Safety when your child is not at school.
If you have any concerns, questions, or want more advice please contact the school Safeguarding Team who will be happy to speak with you.
Please call our school office 0207 221 34 54/admin@qe2cp.westminster.sch.uk
For more information about e-safety, including parent guides for TikTock, Squid Games and more, please see click the logo for the National Online Safety organisation:
1- Use a Parent/Carer specific Guide
Use the parent guides and shopper's checklist the UK Safer Internet Centre to help you ask the right questions and make informed choices when buying or downloading new technology.
2- Setting Boundaries
Settting boundaries for your child's internet usage may be needed. This will provide your child with a clear understanding of the limits, expectations and consequences of their behaviour.
Familiarise yourself with the privacy, safety and security tools on new devices; ensure you are in a position to teach your teach your child how to make their accounts priviate and how to block and report other people online.
Below are 2 short videos about Internet Safety tips:
For Parent and Carers, please see the following links.
Information and reporting of online grooming or abuse from CEOP:
NSPCC Net Aware
Please find further links below for specific advice about setting parental controls on commonly used devices. These controls limit certain features of games consoles and mobile phones, so that the risks of the technology being misused are reduced.
Xbox/Xbox 360 Parental Controls
Playstation 3 Parental Controls
Playstation 4 Parental Controls
Additional Useful Resources:
More detailed information and advice can be found from the UK's leading child protection websites.: