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Westminster Special School

College Park School Federation of Westminster Special Schools
& Bi-borough Inclusion Service

Rainbow Class



We have had a busy and fun time learning in Rainbow Class with lots of interesting activities and experiences!

Through our topic “Animals”, we enjoyed so much learning about them and their habitats. We had so much fun recreating the different habitats as the jungle, the Antarctic, dessert, forest or farms through structured and sensory activities.

Our first sensory story “Rumble in the jungle” has been an absolutely success! All of us enjoyed doing the story telling with a sing along song. We enhanced our knowledge about animals and their habitats through this sensory story.

Our second sensory story “Brown bear, brown bear what do you see?” has been a great sensory story that it helped us to work in our memory skills. We worked on the sequencing of the story using animal masks, asking other peers what they could see? We also learnt about the different sounds of the animals can make e.g. bear – roar, frog -croaks, dog-bark, etc.

Phonics lesson has been spectacular! So much fun exploring more sounds (Phonics phase 2: Set 1 and 2). We started to do some matching and also, we kept practising our tracing skills.

Maths has been super fun! We found that our students had an incredible interested for shapes! We learnt to look at our environment and find shapes in every where!

We did travel around the world during our Geography lessons. We went to Ethiopia, Nigeria, Spain, India, China, Jamaica, Egypt, Morocco, Thailand, Turkey and Georgia! We had a little approach to the cuisine and the music from all these countries. We will keep discovering more and more countries next term!

We hope you have a lovely break!

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