Rose Class
Class Teacher: Rachael Frost
Hi, welcome to Rose class! My name is Rachael and this will be my fourth year working at College Park. I moved over here from Australia in 2018 and began working as a Teaching Assistant. I began my teaching degree in 2021 at the University of Roehampton and whilst completing this, I worked as a Teaching Assistant at College Park. Throughout these three years of training, I worked closely with children across all ages and have gained an incredible amount of knowledge through this and through working closely with other staff members. Having completed my degree, I am now teaching and I am looking forward to working closely with the children and supporting their progress.
In Rose class, all staff value each child as an individual and we plan and adapt lessons that will best support each learner; ensuring that each child has access to a curriculum that is suited to their needs. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum for Rose class. We also provide Attention Autism sessions that focus on improving the attention spans. Each lesson is tailored to the student’s interest which supports engagement and interest for the pupil.
We encourage and provide all forms of communication in Daffodil class. For example, we use Makaton consistently throughout the day as well as providing PECS books for our pupils who are non-verbal and who communicate through vocalisations, body language and gestures. Our priority is to create an environment that each child feels calm and ready to learn, ultimately supporting their emotional regulation.