Key links about hearing impairment:
- Information about deafness and hearing loss- Early Support
- Supporting the achievement of hearing impaired children in early years setting
- Teaching Assistant Guidance for HI
- Cochlear Implants – FM Training Tool
- Checking Cochlear Implants
- How radio aids can help deaf children
- Creating good listening conditions for learning in education- practical suggestions for mainstream teachers
- E-flyers for education professionals
- Supporting the achievement of deaf children
- Mild hearing loss, major impact
- Assessments
- Special educational needs (SEN) reform: resources for professionals (England)
- Be Safe and Smart Online
- Buddy up! Setting up a peer support scheme for deaf pupils in your school
- Bullying and deaf children: A guide for primary and secondary schools
- Early Years Matters DVD
- Here to Learn video clips
- Look, Smile, Chat - promoting deaf awareness
- Memory and Learning
- Numeracy programme briefing paper
- The Secrets of Words - improving deaf children's literacy skills
- Teaching Phonics to Deaf Children: Guidance for teachers
- Supporting deaf young people through transition (England)
- Video 'How to' clips for teachers
- Specialist Education Support Services for Deaf Children: Advice for commissioners (England)
- Specialist provision for hearing impaired children within mainstream schools: advice for commissioners
- Quality Standards: Early Years Support
- Quality Standards: Specialist education services
- Quality Standards: Resource provisions for deaf children and young people
- Model Service Level Agreement
- Quality Standards for the Use of Personal Radio Aids
- What Are You Feeling? Developing emotional literacy in deaf children
Just found out your baby has a hearing loss? Successful transitions to adulthood for deaf young people.
Visual Impairment
Key links about visual impairment:
- Booklet for parents of children/young people with vision impairment (VI)
- Teaching Assistant Guidance for VI
- Beginner's guide to assistive technology
- How technology can be used to promote independent learning
- Transition guide: Bridging the gap
- Learning through play in the early years (Word, 192 KB)
- Focus on foundation (PDF, 603KB)
- Social inclusion in the early years (Word, 165KB)
- Access to education (Word, 220KB)
- National Curriculum Guide 2014, (Word, 856 KB)
- Working with students with a Vision Impairment in Further Education (Word, 216 KB)
- Working with students with a Vision Impairment in Higher Education (Word, 193.5 KB)
- Emotional support for children with VI
- Commissioning speech and language therapy services for your school
- Accompanying notes to CSE checklist physical environment
- Declutter the Classroom Checklist
- Teacher reflection form
Key links about autism:
- Finding a school for your child with autism
- Sensory Audit for Schools and Classrooms
- Promoting emotional well-being in pupils with autism
- Home school communication sheet
- Girls and Autism-flying under radar
- How do women and girls experience autism?
- Purple Ella- excellent videos made by a young woman with autism